David Logsdon Posts

  • Cybersecurity Remains Vital as House Takes Up Infrastructure

    Sep 17, 2021, 11:28 AM by David Logsdon
    The Infrastructure and Investment and Jobs Act provides a cybersecurity focused investment, a whole-of-government approach to applying that investment, and a clear emphasis on support for the cybersecurity requirements of state and local governments.
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  • White House Artificial Intelligence Summit: Future of AI

    May 18, 2018, 13:36 PM by David Logsdon
    On May 10, CompTIA attended the Artificial Intelligence for American Industry Summit hosted by the White House. Discussion centered around the promise of AI and the policies that are needed to realize that promise for the American people and maintain U.S. leadership in the age of artificial intelligence.
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  • Update on FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

    Apr 27, 2018, 15:00 PM by David Logsdon
    On Thursday, The House of Representatives began consideration of H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 – a bipartisan, five-year bill to reauthorize the programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, provide long-term stability for the Nation’s aviation community, invest in U.S. airports, and make necessary reforms to improve American competitiveness and safety in aviation. There were a number of amendments offered, focusing on drones. CompTIA submitted comments on the amendments, supporting one amendment while voicing our dissent with another.
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  • CompTIA Space Enterprise Council Hosts the Brazilian Minister of Defense

    Nov 16, 2017, 19:18 PM by David Logsdon
    During the week of November 6th, the CompTIA Space Enterprise Council sent letters to Scott Pace, Executive Secretary for the National Space Council and Landon Loomis, Special Advisor for Western Hemisphere and Global Economics, Office of the Vice President calling on the Administration to pursue a Technology Safeguard Agreement (TSA) between the US and Brazil.
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  • BlockChain and Cybersecurity: A Primer

    Oct 30, 2017, 14:42 PM by David Logsdon
    Blockchain technology has a large potential to transform business operating models in the long term, but what is blockchain technology?
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  • Autonomous Vehicle Legislation Passes the Senate Commerce Committee, Full Senate Vote Next

    Oct 10, 2017, 16:58 PM by David Logsdon
    On Wednesday, October 4th, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee passed legislation that paved the way for fast tracking the autonomous vehicle industry. The American Vision for Safer Transportation through Advancement of Revolutionary Technologies (AV START) Act aims to clarify the role of both federal and state government in the autonomous vehicle ecosystem.
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  • CompTIA New and Emerging Tech Committee Names Chuck Brooks Chairman

    Apr 13, 2017, 12:21 PM by David Logsdon
    CompTIA’s New and Emerging Technologies (NET) Committee announced today that Chuck Brooks, Vice President of Sutherland Government Solutions will serve as the 2017 Chairman of the New and Emerging Technologies Committee.
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  • CompTIA Joins the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Coalition to Modernize American Infrastructure

    Mar 17, 2017, 18:18 PM by David Logsdon
    CompTIA has joined the recently created Bipartisan Policy Center’s Coalition to Modernize American Infrastructure. CompTIA has stated that a 21st century infrastructure ecosystem includes transportation (roads, bridges and airports), water (public utilities) and energy (electric grid) that is layered by cross-cutting, secure, smart technology and enabled by ubiquitous broadband connectivity and sensors.
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  • Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Build State Cybersecurity Resiliency

    Mar 16, 2017, 19:30 PM by David Logsdon
    Earlier this month, bipartisan legislation was introduced in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to help state, local and tribal governments more effectively counter cyber-threats.
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  • What to Expect for Cybersecurity in 2017

    Jan 23, 2017, 13:45 PM by David Logsdon
    Looking into 2017, we face difficulties on the cybersecurity front on many different levels.
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